Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I just heard with one ear that Pope Francis has published a new book entitled The Name of God is Mercy.

The book goes on sale in 86 countries tomorrow. I will order a copy. I am Catholic and I like this Pope.

But that book is bad news for Nigeria. I wish I could prevent it from ever getting to Nigeria.

I have written repeatedly that we are in era where what the Pope is selling - the merciful nature of the Christian deity - needs to be temporarily suspended from Nigeria until our own no-nonsense African deities of ruthless and unmerciful retribution have taken care of all the billionaires and millionaires whose fortune is built on Dasukigate, Halliburtongate, Siemensgate, Electricitygate, and all the other corruption gates that the Nigerian elite has used to enrich herself while killing hundreds of thousands of our people in consequence, many of the victims so hopelessly Stockholm Syndromed they dance to their graves defending the looters.

Dasuki was totally pan-Nigerian in his stealing and distribution of over 2 billion dollars of money meant to equip the Army against Boko Haram. Some are returning their loot, thinking that a simple acknowledgment of error and a return of the proceeds of crime will wash away everything. No sir, you still have to face the legal consequences applicable, whether you are the President's friend or not (and where is that statement from the President distancing himself from you by the way?). Some agbalagbas are doing langbalangba and boasting that they will return nothing. Shior on them.

The pan-Nigerian colour of these looters calls for a pan-Nigerian coalition of fiery and merciless deities of retribution.

Soponna, that Yoruba God of smallpox and assorted illnesses and diseases, already seems to have taken the lead for many are the plagues, sicknesses and afflictions of the looters: from cancer to heart ailment to knee problems. We are seeing them on foreign hospital beds and wheel chairs at home.

But Soponna should not think that He can handle these cases alone. He should form a coalition of retribution with clinical and merciless finishers like Ogun (the one who shuns the drums of water in his backyard to take a generous shower of blood), Sango, and Amadioha.

Holy Father Pope Francis, sowwy o, these are the deities we need urgently now in the corruption affairs of Nigeria.

We shall invite the Christian deity if and when our situation improves and allows for mercy.

The wheel of modernity and oyinbo justice and legal system should roll, the wheel of tradition and African deities of retribution should roll. Whichever says no to the other in their pursuit of the common purpose of justice, retribution and punishment, let its wings break!

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