Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The "Untamable" Leopard and the "Wannabe" Lion

September 17, 2014

In the days of Chinua Achebe's ancestors, tortoises flew the skies and chose nicknames for themselves, whales ferried humans across oceans, and crocodiles climbed trees for fun. Today, hyenas laugh, larks sing, and koalas wail. Now, going by current news reports, it does appear that lions and leopards now speak and trade banters. Truly, our Transformation Train acknowledges no boundaries and knows no limits.

A certain lion claims to have tamed a leopard in Igweocha; the leopard says a thousand such lions cannot tame it and instead dismisses that "wannabe lion" as a mere hapless dog which does the bidding of another animal.

The lion and the leopard are two big cats; they are both wild animals. How does one wild animal tame the other?

Is there a leopard in Igweocha? Is Igweocha a game reserve? 

If a thousand lions are insufficient to tame the leopard, biko gwanu m, how many lions (or dogs) will be required to tame the leopard?

If the "lion" is really a dog, what kind of dog? Domestic? Wild? Hyena? Wolf? Nkita?


The above piece has been inspired by a news story that was seen in a Nigerian newspaper on September 17, 2014.

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